Quota Charisma

The missing link is your unfair competitive advantage
Can you guess the amount of business opportunities lost because your sales person didn’t have ‘chemistry’ with your client? To today’s sophisticated customer, one salesperson is just like the other. Customers have developed a wide range of defence mechanisms against typical sales methods. Customers expect their representatives to already know their business and how their products/services can benefit them. However, we are also living in an entertainment culture. We remember the story a charismatic speaker told us in their speech at a conference, but we don’t remember the slides of previous presentations. Customers are drawn by the energy and personality of a salesperson who goes beyond selling. Partnering with them is simply a positive experience. This is why we developed Quota Charisma!
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Would recommend the game to their colleagues
Had more fun than other training experiences
Felt the game provided better tools than other sales training programs
Felt the game met or exceeded their objectives
* Statistics shown are not course specific.
It was an ideal program for our national sales meeting as it was adaptable to all levels of experience within our team and provided training in so many important sales competencies across the sales spectrum. It allowed the team to have fun and it promoted team-building.
Mackie I. Vadacchino, CEO, Bioforce Canada Inc.Here's what you can expect
Stand out from the competition
Get more recommendations & higher closing percentages
Greater customer satisfaction
More up and cross selling
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