Quota® INTERNATIONAL is very pleased to introduce our SALESBOOST™ program to our clients around the world.
This European program has proven to be major support to organizations that are looking for new and innovative ways to grow their businesses. The program was designed on three key considerations:
A) The majority of businesses derive over 50% of their business from their Top 10 Accounts
B) Teams responsible for managing these accounts often suffer from poor communication and teamwork
C) By focusing these teams on improved teamwork and account penetration they often see sales increases of 20-30% year over year!
If these issues resonate with you…time to give us a call! Quota® INTERNATIONAL would be happy to meet you for a 15-30-minute, online, chat about your operational objectives and how SALESBOOST™ may be the tool you need to drive future revenue/profit/market share growth!
Please click on the link below and one of our Sales Consultants will reply within 24 hours!