Quota Solutions

Sometimes . . . a fresh look & plan is exactly what we need

- Custom assembled process of training, coaching, assessments and metrics for your unique situation and needs, currently and in the future.
- Turnkey solution creation, with diagnostics, including progress reviews, and completion exercise.
- Customized sales & management training programs using Quota’s unique gamification methodologies.
- Coaching for your Sales Managers so they change old, ineffective management habits and apply more effective competencies learned in your training. Also, so they manage, coach and lead their sales people and teams so they change what’s not working.
- Analyze & utilize scientific assessment tools to guide & support strategic planning, manage, lead and foster effective communication.
- Tailored survey with your entire sales team, designed for you. Done throughout the journey, and at completion, so you’ll get metrics on the impact and outcomes to your business.
Speak to our team
Here's what you can expect
The strategic process benefits your sales leaders, by creating serious change and an elite
Comprehensive, so your sales people apply proven sales competencies most effectively
Your sales organization will become your competitive advantage in your industry
Selling & sales management capabilities that will help you move your business from competitive to dominant
I have been able to implement the practices with the sales force across Canada and I believe it is a big reason why we are prospering during this recessionary time. We have been able to increase our sales by 30% YTD and we are currently the best performing division globally.
Frank Malta National Sales Manager, HandicareHave a Q?
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