Quota Issue Selling (Q.I.S)

Let’s get real - with the janitor & CEO
A key challenge facing salespeople today is to be a partner vs. commodity vendor. To achieve this relationship, professional sales people should form a relationship with senior decision makers to become considered as strategic tools. Quota Issue Selling is an advanced strategic selling program that takes your business to new levels of sales performance!
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Would recommend the game to their colleagues
Had more fun than other training experiences
Felt the game provided better tools than other sales training programs
Felt the game met or exceeded their objectives
* Statistics shown are not course specific.
This program received a very high rating. It was competitive, educational and indeed fun, it is tough to beat those three we are a better group because of the Quota experience.
Roger Keeley, Corporate Director of Marketing, Atlantic Packaging GroupHere's what you can expect
Analyze your customer’s business issues
Understanding their Strategic Planning Process
Recognizing how your product/service addresses organizational needs/levels
Using the unique QIS™ Call Sheet to record/track your client’s strategic & operational goals
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