Quota System Reinforcement Program – QSRP

Buckle up for the reinforcement highway
Most sales people can tell you about different sales training courses they have taken over the years. In most cases they will tell you they learned some new skills, but forgot much of what they were taught. This is why the QSRP was designed and is so important! Within a year of the Quota experience, QSRP is the perfect follow up and compliment to ensure that your sales team maximizes their retention of the competencies and skills learned during the core programs.
Delivered in a full day format, the QSRP provides development in:
- A review of the complete 40 sales competencies taught in the Quota Program
- Instruction in QIS (Quota Issue Selling) the advanced strategic selling module built on the Quota foundation
- A Quota game to recap and reinforce the sales competencies learned.
Participating teams compete on the QSRP Sales Highway and navigate their way to personal improvement across dozens of contemporary sales best practices. The QSRP combines fun, team-building, competition and reinforcement to ensure you continue to reap the rewards of your investment in creating an elite team of sales performers!
Speak to our team
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Would recommend the game to their colleagues
Had more fun than other training experiences
Felt the game provided better tools than other sales training programs
Felt the game met or exceeded their objectives
* Statistics shown are not course specific.
The booking process and delivery were flawless, and the course content was fantastic! The first two stages we could probably do every couple of months. I was unsure how the full day course would go over, but the content and the format kept everyone engaged down to the final second.
Adam Wills Sales Manager, Redmond WilliamsHere's what you can expect
Increased new business opportunities & competitive selling skills
Quicker sales cycles & higher closing ratios
Learn how your product/service addresses organizational needs/levels
Understanding their Strategic Planning Process
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